How to Find Top Rated Hepa Vacuum Cleaners

Not all consumers know about HEPA filters, especially the ones who are just new in the vacuum market. However, if you’re familiar with vacuum cleaners, you probably have an idea that a HEPA filter is some kind of a vacuum feature that benefits health. Although it’s true, there’s more to know about HEPA filters. Vacuum cleaners with this kind of filter are a must for people with allergies or asthma.

So if you’re after vacuum cleaners with true HEPA filters, this post is for you. This is where we’ll talk about this kind of filter and how it works. We’ll also share with you tips on how to find top-rated HEPA vacuum cleaners.

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What are HEPA filters?


HEPA means High-Efficiency Particulate Air. This kind of filter can trap up to 99% of harmful particles of up to 0.3 microns small. During World War II when the first HEPA filter was produced. But during that time there were no certifications and tests yet to confirm the filter’s efficiency. The HEPA certifications took place in 1983.

It was due to the United State’s Manhattan project when the first HEPA filters were made. These filters were supposed to capture radioactive particles, which are released during the creation of atomic bombs. These particles, which are called most penetrating particle size (MPPS) are as small as 0.3 microns. It was during an experiment for this project when experts know that these particles do escape air filters.

Unlike the older designs, today’s HEPA filters are now made of glass. HEPA filters are web glass made of glass threads that are bent, interlaced, and twisted in different directions. Dust and micro particles cannot pass through this web and therefore, kept inside the filters. Current HEPA filters look like a threadlike glass maze made of these interlaced threads. The particles are captured behind this web, removing them out of circulation in various ways.

Although made with the same idea, not all HEPA filters are the same. The filters in the market possess different properties and have varying qualities. As you go and check the different HEPA filters equipped in vacuum cleaners, you will know that the filters have different materials, function as well as composition.

Some manufacturers create HEPA filters with ionizer as its first barrier. With this kind of material used for the filters, negatively charged electrostatics are produced that traps particles. Not all HEPA filters are created this way, and don’t work in this manner. Some HEPA filters work in simpler ways by reducing the contaminants in the air, which eventually prevents allergens from developing. Filters like this have the capacity to prevent bacteria and viruses from growing in the filters.


However, no matter what materials are used for these HEPA filters, the function and outcome of them remains the same. It’s one of the reasons why HEPA filters are considered beneficial and consistent. You can always expect these filters to provide the same outcome.
Identifying True HEPA Filters

You must know that there are fake HEPA filters. There’s a chance that you can get it if you don’t know how to identify the authentic filters from the fake ones. For you to get your expected vacuum performance, you must know how to recognize true HEPA filters.

You can identify real HEPA filters by checking the vacuum filter’s serial number. You must be able to see a serial number, otherwise, it’s a sign that the filter is fake. Another way of identifying true HEPA filters is knowing what kind of bag or dirt bin the vacuum has. Some models claim that the vacuum has HEPA bags, but it doesn’t mean that these products are HEPA vacuums.

A true HEPA vacuum cleaner can be bagged or bagless. There models in the market that are equipped with HEPA bags, but are not HEPA vacuums. The kind of bag a vacuum has doesn’t convert a model into an authentic HEPA vac. A non-HEPA vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA bag doesn’t offer the same outcome when it comes to filtering out particles.

You will know if the model is a true HEPA vacuum if it can filter the air coming out of the vac. While non-HEPA vacuum cleaners with HEPA bags can only trap the collected particles inside the dirt reservoir. These kinds of models can keep the dust and allergens in the bag, but they cannot clean up the air from harmful particles.

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What to Look for True HEPA Vacuums


When looking for a HEPA vacuum cleaner, you must know that there are features to consider to make sure you’re getting the best model. These factors will help you get the right product for you, and a model that is equipped with a true HEPA filter.


You can HEPA vacuum cleaners that are bagged or bagless. It depends on your preference if you’re going for a model with replaceable bags or with a dust bin. Both of these vacuum types come with pros and cons, whether you opt for an upright vac, a canister type, and so on.

Bagged vacuums, however, typically offer more power than bagless vacuum cleaners. Models with no bags, however, are environment-friendly. Any type of vacuum can have efficient HEPA filters, and choosing between the two will only be a matter of preference.


Vacuum cleaners have different noise levels. You may want to consider this factor especially if you live in a small space. It’s recommended that you opt for a silent vac if you live in a small home. Silent vacuum cleaners usually have a noise level of about 60-65 decibels. Going for a silent model is always better as it allows you to use the vacuum anytime you want. You will have the freedom to use the vacuum without worrying about disturbing others.

Especially if you live with people who are sensitive to noise such as a toddler, a pregnant woman or an elderly, opting for a quiet vacuum cleaner is highly suggested. This way, you can make sure the people you live with won’t be disturbed.



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Another factor to consider when getting a vacuum cleaner is the weight. For homes with above-floors, a lightweight model is recommended, so you can easily bring the vacuum from one place to another. Although light vacuum cleaners are usually less powerful. Still, you can find lightweight models that also offer powerful suction. These models may be more expensive, however. Weighty vacuum cleaners are most likely for heavy-duty use.

Both lightweight and heavy vacuum cleaners can be equipped with true HEPA filters.


Having pets is also another consideration to include when buying a vacuum cleaner with HEPA filters. If you have pets, you may want to go for a model that can work well on getting rid of pet fur on multi-surface types. If you have carpets, this feature is crucial. Choose a vacuum cleaner that can efficiently clean pet hair on carpeted floorings.

You can find vacuum cleaners in the market that specialize in pet hair. Getting a vacuum cleaner that is efficient in pet fur cleaning with HEPA filters is the best choice. You can also determine the vacuum’s capability to suck up pet hair on hard to clean surfaces like carpets or rugs. A minimum of 12 amps power for the vacuum cleaner can be a great choice for you if you have pets.



One of the most important factors to consider when getting a HEPA vacuum cleaner is the power of the mode. Although the greater the power doesn’t always mean better for these vacuum cleaners. It still depends on your cleaning needs, as well as the areas that you will work on when it comes to choosing the power of the vacuum.

More powerful models tend to consume more electricity, which means, bigger bills. However, more powerful models are highly suggested for surfaces that are hard to clean, such as carpets. Having sensitive floorings, however, may need vacuum cleaners with moderate suction power to prevent any damages.


Usually, established brands can ensure a satisfying cleaning performance. Although less known brands can still provide the same quality cleaning. Opting for top brands, however, you can most likely be sure that their models have true HEPA filters and have passed certifications. You can be sure about this especially if the company has been producing quality vacuum cleaners for years.



We hope we have provided valuable insights on how to find top-rated HEPA vacuum cleaners. If you or your loved one is suffering from allergies or asthma, it’s important to end up with a model with a true HEPA filter. Getting the right product won’t only help you have cleaner and safer air, you can also make sure that you can get the most of your investment. If you liked this post, let us know in the comment section below. We’d love to hear from you!

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