How To Pick the Best Swimming Pool Vacuum Cleaners: Buyers Guide 2021

When faced with the prospect of how to pick the best swimming pool vacuum cleaners, there’s plenty to consider. Our buyers guide for 2021 will demystify the differences between automatic, suction and pressure side pool cleaners.

From there you can choose the best model from each variant- we’ve made this a very easy process to get your pool clear blue and ensure that it stays that way!

Right now, I’d like to give you a full breakdown of each type of pool cleaner and the benefits of one over the other. So, without further ado:

Why Should You Consider an Automatic Pool Cleaner?


The difference of an automatic pool cleaner over the alternative is that it utilises a combination of motors and sensors to carry out cleaning. The machine is connected to a power source via a low-voltage transformer and from there it simultaneously travels across the pool walls and floor, filtering the water as it moves.

An automatic cleaner comes with 2 standalone motors with specific purposes. One of them enables the machine to skim the pool surface, whilst the other motor draws water in at the unit’s base and catches dirt as the water passes through the filters. The robot then pumps out clean water at the other end.

In essence, an automatic pool cleaner operates very similarly to a vacuum cleaner, catching debris inside the onboard cartridge or collection bag and expelling crystal clear water. The filters are extremely efficient and can normally filter debris as small as 2 microns. Your pool will never look so clean.


As they travel across the surface of the pool, they cleanse them using the scrubbing mechanism. They are some additional advantages of using an automatic pool cleaner. For starters, the robot will aid the circulation of water. It is very efficient at circulating and filtering pool water that the pool does not require as much chemical treatment. This will save you money and maintain a healthier quality of water that contains fewer chemicals.

Recommended Reading: Best Rated Pool Cleaners

Automatic pools cleaners work at a relatively fast pace and are capable of cleaning the pool floor and walls to a thorough standard whilst cutting down on cleaning times. Another benefit is that the machine doesn’t depend on your pool’s filter to work and as a result, it doesn’t place an extra burden on your pool’s system.

You are actually encouraged to turn off your pool’s filter, prior to switching on the pool robot, so that residue and micro dirt particles settle on the pool floor and make it easier for the robot to pick them up.



  • Very simple to operate- all you need to do is connect it to a power source, place it in the pool, and press a button.
  • Automatic pool cleaners minimise the use of chemicals needed for the pool.
  • The cleaning range is wide and often spans up to 60 ft.
  • The majority of pool cleaning robots are capable of cleaning the whole inner surface of in-ground pools.
  • They clean at a faster pace than alternative models.
  • The integrated filters are simple to clean and are capable of trapping tiny particles.
  • These units are not reliant on your pool’s circulation system.


  • Some of them can be quite heavy to lift into the pool depending on which brand you decide to buy.
  • Automatic pool cleaners cost considerably more than alternative models.
  • If they breakdown they can be costly to repair. It’s worth checking the length of the guarantee and what it entails. Don’t worry, we’ve done the research for you!
  • Certain models can’t cope with clearing bigger particles like twigs or acorns. Depending on which brand you go for, you might need to buy a special filter to handle bigger debris if required.

Why Should You Consider a Suction Side Pool Cleaner?


How does a suction side pool cleaner work? Think of it as a vacuum that draws power from your existing pool’s filtration system. The hose feeds straight into the suction section of the pool filter via the skimmer or standalone suction line. The pool’s pump suction drives the turbine and pushes it into action.

The vacuuming section of the machine depends on the pool pump’s suction to help it pick up small dirt particles which are collected into the pool’s pump basket. This configuration requires that the pool pump has a minimum of 0.75 horsepower or more, otherwise, the suction cleaner will find it difficult to perform effectively because of the lower flow and suction.


  • Suction side cleaners are dependable and renowned for their longevity.
  • They are less expensive to maintain compared to alternative models.
  • These models cost much less than automatic robot pool cleaners and are a cost-effective solution.


Suction side pool cleaners pick up dirt and return it your pool’s filter and pump basket, this often places a strain on your pool’s system and requires you to empty it frequently to avoid clogs.

  • Some models can’t cope with large particles.
  • When the pump basket gets full it restricts the flow of water, via the pool pump, considerably. The added pressure on your pool’s filter system could mean that frequent maintenance is required to keep it running at its best.
  • There is also the inconvenience of setting up the machine and removing it from the pool each and every time it’s required to clean. You’ll have to pack it away after the 4-6 hour cleaning cycle is complete unless your pool has an existing standalone suction line installed.

Recommended Reading: Best Rated Pool Cleaners

Why Should You Consider a Pressure Side Pool Cleaner?


Similar to a suction side cleaner, pressure side cleaners are attached to the pool’s circulation system, however, the difference is that these models are connected to the return side of the circulation system. You might also know them as booster pump powered cleaners because the majority of them are aided by the booster pump found by your pool pump.

The advantage is that a booster pump can be controlled with a timer, therefore, the pressure side cleaner can be set up to work frequently at specific times of the day.

These models contain an internal hydraulic system, giving them the ability to utilise the water pumped back into the pool to move around. They contain a collection bag within the machine to catch debris that is filtered from the water. This function relieves the strain of debris filling up the pool filter.


They operate by spreading the water drawn into them into 3 different parts of the machine. These 3 sections are the venturi port, sweeper tail and thrust jet. The sweeper tail agitates the water to help lift dirt deposits from the pool floor so that they can be vacuumed efficiently.

The venturi port is found at the base of the appliance and is the section that handles larger dirt particles such as leaves- these are collected into the debris container or bag. The function of the thrust jet is to help propel the machine by using filtered water to drive the unit forward. It does this by pushing out the clean water from the unit’s rear.


  • The collection bag will lessen the demands normally placed on your pool’s circulation and filter system thus giving it a longer life.
  • Pressure side cleaners have bigger mouths which makes them ideal for collecting bigger pieces of debris such as sticks and leaves.
  • If your pool has an existing booster pump you can set up the machine on a timer and schedule it to clean for 3 hours each day. This saves you the hassle of setting up the machine every time it needs to be used and it also conserves energy as the unit will automatically turn when the cycle is complete.


  • The hoses that come with pressure pool cleaners are considerably bigger than those found on alternative models and are often not attractive.
  • High-pressure pumps require the help of a booster pump that needs to be professionally installed along with extra plumbing if your pool is not already configured to connect a pressure cleaner.

Recommended Reading: Best Rated Pool Cleaners

What is the Best Type of Pool Cleaner for my Requirements?

We’ve established that each type of cleaner has its own unique set of features. They are benefits and setbacks with each model, however, they are a few factors to think about to help decide what works best for you-

  • Does your pool have a screen to reduce the accumulation of debris, or is it located close to trees?
  • What size is your pool and what materials is it made from?
  • Is the circulation of water in your pool going to be an issue due to its size or low usage?
  • Is your pool already configured with the plumbing required to connect a pressure side cleaner?
  • How much time can you devote to using your automated cleaner? Do you need one that hardly needs supervision (more expensive) or can you dedicate a bit of time to use a cheaper one?
  • Is a slick-looking machine important to you or are you happy to use an unattractive pool cleaner?
  • How much are you willing to spend to buy a new pool cleaner? Take note that although the initial cost of some units is more expensive they are often cheaper to maintain in the long run and use less energy.

The above considerations should give you a clearer picture of the type of machine best suited for your pool.

As a rule of thumb, if your pool does not have a screen and is exposed to close by trees it will attract a lot of debris, therefore, a suction side cleaner would not be a good option. Large amounts of debris will routinely clog up the cleaner and in most cases will fill up your pool’s filter in little time. Over time this will result in energy wastage and extra maintenance.

However, if your pool is screened and it’s a small or regular size with the occasional piece of small debris, and your budget doesn’t stretch to costlier models such as automatic robots or pressure cleaners, then a suction cleaner should be adequate.


If your pool has the existing plumbing installed and is a bigger pool that is prone to big particles of debris, then a pressure side cleaner is an ideal option. The cleaning standard of a pressure model is better than that of a suction side model because of their movement and circulation which assists to stop algae and bacteria from forming. Their collection bags also reduce the burden on the pool’s filter system.

If your budget permits and you’re happy to invest a bit more in a high-end pool cleaner that will save you money and time, then a robotic pool cleaner is the best option. They are capable of cleaning any type of pool or surface material. The potential to clean to a microbial level can be easily achieved. There is the option to get filters or canisters for larger debris or to get a model that is supplied with all filter sizes.

Robot cleaners are extremely easy to set up and hardly require any effort from you to keep them running. They are designed with schedules that run at frequent intervals with a very low energy footprint. They clean quicker than any of the other models and can be left in the water the majority of the time.


Recommended Reading: Best Rated Pool Cleaners

To Conclude

An efficient pool cleaner is integral to any pool owner. It needs to be effective, cheap to maintain, easy to set up and meet your budget requirements. By now you should have a good idea about how to pick the best swimming pool vacuum cleaners. Although there’s plenty to consider, our buyers guide for 2020 has covered everything that you need to know.

To summarise, here are a few points to take away with you-

  • Robotic pool cleaners are the most advanced and effective model out of the bunch, they are adaptable and virtually auto-pilot, however, they are costly and range from about $650-$1200.
  • Pressure side cleaners are robust and powerful models. They can be scheduled to provide a relatively automated cleaning cycle, however, they need special plumbing to be installed if your pool doesn’t already have the existing configuration to accommodate the machine. The prices of these models range from about $399- $799.
  • Suction side cleaners are entry-level pool cleaners with basic functionality, however, they offer the longest shelf life and in recent years they’ve been updated to clean more effectively than older models. You can find high-quality units for about $199-$399.

Whichever model you decide to buy, you can be assured that the functionality is vastly better than their predecessors and each model can perform effectively, however, some units just require a bit more help.

Now that you are armed with all the right information to make an informed decision you should head on over to our shortlist of recommended pool cleaners for 2021 using the link below.

Are you considering buying a pressure side, suction side, robotic automatic pool cleaner or do you already own one? Please leave your comments in the section below. I’d love to hear from you.

Recommended Reading: Best Rated Pool Cleaners

Our List of the Best Domestic Appliances

Which Robot Vacuum Is Best To Buy In 2021? How To Find The Best Robot

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Robot Vacuum Buying Guide- Find Everything Right Here!

The market is saturated with plenty of cleaning bots and it’s becoming difficult to decide which is the best robot vacuum to buy in 2021. Thankfully we can help you with that. The flip side is that there has never been a better time to get an autonomous cleaner- there’s a gadget for every budget and requirement.

With so many features and options on offer, it’s easy to see why potential buyers can find it daunting to find what’s right for them. Robot vacuums are slowly taking over the world!


To add to this, weighing up the differences in functionality, performance and cost is very time-consuming, therefore, by the time you’ve chosen the right model it might already be outdated.

Looking for the best robotic vacuum cleaner doesn’t need to be this painful. Our User guide will take you through everything you need to know and help you find what works best for your home and lifestyle.

Affordable Robot Vacuums

A lower cost robotic vacuum can clean your home to a satisfactory standard, however, you might need to compromise on premium features and conveniences. I’ve put together the top affordable robot vacuums available today:

iLife A8 Robot Vacuum Cleaner

iLife A8 Summary


The A8 is a fancy little robot with a comprehensive spec that comes at an affordable budget. It’s slightly more expensive than the V3s but there are a number of reasons why the extra cost is justified.

For starters, iLife robots provide incredible value given their great range of features, but that’s not to say you are made to compromise on quality or performance. The A8 unit looks the part and is made with darkened glass. The minimalist design provides a sole button to operate it.

The A8 is equipped with the latest guidance technology and an improved algorithm over older models. It houses a set of convenient functions like automatic charging and clever sensors to keep it from falling down stairs or bumping into objects, it comes with voice assistance too.


This bot comes with a fairly slim profile and as a result, it can travel underneath couches and furniture. The robust wheels are named RoadRover and they ensure that the robot does not get trapped when it traverses rugs and carpets.

It delivers a decent clean throughout the room, however, you will still need to have your full sized vacuum on standby to manually top up the vacuuming occasionally.

This model runs at a lower noise level than most of the robots on our shortlist. Don’t underestimate how useful this feature is, especially when the robot is cleaning whilst you’re watching a movie, reading a book or working from home.


iLife A8 Verdict

The A8 is a budget-friendly robot vacuum with a long set of features that are usually found on premium models and for this reason, it’s a highly favored choice in many households.

There have been some instances where owners have experienced performance issues, however, getting in touch with the support folks at iLife was hassle-free and the team happily solved their problems.

Where can I buy the iLife A8 Robotic Vacuum Cleaner?

Ecovacs Deebot N79S Robot Vacuum

Ecovacs Deebot N79S Summary

The Ecovacs Deebot N79S offers amazing value and a bunch of nifty features. It’s easy to see why this model is extremely popular. Similar to the iLife A8 you get a lot for your money and come to appreciate just how much a robot can get done whilst you get on with other things.


Ecovacs are famed for their growing range of 2-in-1 robots that combine vacuuming and floor mopping, however, the Deebot N79s is a unit that is built solely for vacuuming and it carries out this task remarkably.

The unit delivers a decent standard of cleaning and diligently carries out its chores without distracting daily life. The machine operates quietly, therefore, there’s no need to wait until you’re away from the house before it can run its cycle.

The Deebot N79S is a bit bigger than the iLife A8, however, it will have no issues getting in the gaps underneath the furniture to clean neglected hard-to-reach areas. It might need a bit of babysitting as it occasionally gets stuck.


Deebot machines can be controlled with the mobile app which doesn’t disappoint at delivering convenience and greater control over the N79s. It’s amazing to see such functionality provided at this price level.

As if that wasn’t enough, you also get to link your device with Google Home and Alexa devices to control it with voice prompts when your feeling too lazy to manually switch on the robot.

There are a variety of cleaning sequences for standard or focused vacuuming whenever the robot needs to tackle demanding sections of dirt.


Ecovacs Deebot N79S Verdict

The Deebot N79S has a few setbacks, for instance, the mobile app could be improved if it could set up virtual barriers for the robot to avoid areas that are out of bounds, similar to what alternative brands provide, however, its a compromise that can be overlooked at this price point. We would also like to see useful alerts delivered to the app such as when the bin needs emptying.

Some users have experienced problems with the robot losing its connection with the Ecovacs app, however, this was easily rectified by rebooting the machine or reloading the app.

As you can see, these issues are very minor and should not dissuade you from turning down the N79S. It offers a rich set of features and is one of the best budget-friendly cleaning bots we’ve found.


Overall, the Ecovacs Deebot N79S is a highy-favored autonomous cleaner suitable for most homes. It won’t put a dent to your bank account balance but instead will keep your home conveniently immaculate.

Where can I buy the Ecovacs Deebot N79S Vacuum Cleaner?

Mid-range Robot Vacuums

If you’re willing to invest a bit more money towards your beloved robot vacuum, we’ve got a list of top picks that offer more and clean better.

Eufy Robovac 11S Robot Vacuum

Eufy Robovac 11S Summary

If your budget permits you to look beyond the iLife A8 or Deebot N79S you should consider the Eufy Robovac 11S. It’s an option that will provide you with added value and cleaning performance.


In terms of the robot’s design, the Eufy 11S has a minimalist look very similar to iLife A8. It comes with a brushed black glass top and a remote that offers all the controls you’d expect to find including a scheduling assistant and the option to change cleaning modes.

The robot doesn’t come with advanced route navigation and the scheduling assistant could be improved. The Eufy 11S makes up for this with its cleaning performance, when faced with a difficult area to vacuum the unit will automatically switch to “Boost IQ” to ramp up its suction power for sections such as rugs or carpets.

Whilst cleaning, the robot’s operating noise is impressively quiet and it has a shorter profile to enable it to venture beneath furniture and couches.


Eufy 11S Verdict

The Eufy 11S is a robot that focuses on performance rather than sophisticated features. It comes highly recommended for the longer running times and suction performance that matches or exceeds costlier premium units.

The setbacks of the 11S are more to do with the scarcity of advanced features and average performance at cleaning corners.

Some users, prefer a robot that is easier to operate without confusing sophisticated features. The Eufy 11s ticks the box and all you need to do is press a single button for the machine to thoroughly vacuum your home.


Where can I buy the Eufy Robovac 11S Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

bObsweep PetHair Plus

bObsweep PetHair Plus Summary

The bObsweep PetHair Plus is a robot vacuum that comes with its own personality. For starters, the robot’s name is bOb and once you’ve got him to clean a few times, he’ll become a welcomed part of the family.


The bObsweep PetHair Plus comes in a range of different colours, an option that isn’t usually available when looking at various robot vacuums- this is a nice touch for users who want a robot that matches with an existing colour palette.

bOb is equipped with a selection of user-friendly features and handy accessories, for example, a mopping accessory for hard floors, a unique Ultraviolet lamp that disinfects surfaces during vacuuming, a standalone accessory to create virtual walls and useful remote control.

This unit cleans to an exceptional standard and excels at removing dirt from corners. You will also find a sizeable collection bin which packs in more dirt than rival robots.


bOb comes with an alert system, found on the top cover, to warn you if he gets stuck somewhere or to alert you of any other issues it might encounter. Either way, you’ll know what exactly is wrong with bOb.

bObsweep PetHair Plus Verdict

The bObsweep PetHair Plus robot is packed with a tonne of features, maybe a bit too many for someone that’s looking for a simple autonomous cleaner. The functionality is overwhelming and in some cases doesn’t add much value, for example, setting up bOb for first-time use can take more than half an hour compared to other robots that take just 5-10 minutes to set up.

On the upside, the bObsweep PetHair Plus vacuums remarkably well for a machine of its size and it provides all of the features you could possibly require from a robot vacuum. If you’ve got the patience to learn his functions then bOb is a great addition to your household cleaning appliances.


Where can I buy the bObsweep PetHair Plus Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

Premium Robot Vacuums

If you’re looking for the crème de la crème of robot vacuums, here is a selection of our top picks available to buy today:

iRobot Roomba 960 Robot Vacuum

iRobot Roomba 960 Summary

iRobot’s Roomba range is regarded to be among the highest-rated autonomous vacuums on the market, therefore, our review wouldn’t be thorough enough if it didn’t include a Roomba option.


The iRobot brand comes with the assurance of high quality, however, you should expect to pay a bit more for a Roomba model over alternative brands. The Roomba 960 lives up to the performance that we’ve come to expect from iRobot but it’s a costlier option.

The 960 robot includes an additional air filter, side brush as well as a separate accessory to create virtual boundaries. What I like about this model is the easy installation which takes a few minutes for your robot to be up and running.

The robot can be linked to the iRobot app and your home’s Wi-Fi network, then all you need to do is top up the battery. From there you have full control of the Roomba machine using the mobile app from anywhere.


The unit has a predictable design, which isn’t very exciting but given the choice, I’d always choose high performance over good looks. The iRobot 960 vacuums outstandingly and lives up to the uncompromising cleaning expected from the range. Owners will be pleased with the great results delivered by the Roomba cleaner which runs quietly and copes well with navigating around obstacles.

Using the app, you can simply press the “clean” option and the robot will come to life and start vacuuming without hesitation. The gadget maps out the best routes using smart navigation sensors and ensures that it efficiently covers all four corners of the room without missing out any areas.

The app also gives the choice to specify stubborn areas that you want the gadget to clean more than once. When a cycle is complete, the Roomba provides a summary of the sections that were cleaned with an illustration of your home’s layout displaying what was and wasn’t vacuumed.


The Roomba is supplied with an accessory to create virtual barriers, therefore, stopping the machine from venturing into rooms or areas that you don’t want it to go. For added control over the robot, it can be connected to Amazon Alexa devices and Google Home to operate the gadget with voice prompts.

Roomba 960 Verdict

The Roomba 960 is an exceptional autonomous vacuum cleaner. It costs more than rival units, however, they are costlier units in the Roomba range. Overall, the 960 is a great option for potential buyers looking for a high-end robot vacuum that provides the best value from the Roomba line.

This model comes with virtually no downsides except for the higher cost and periodic maintenance such as additional brushes and filters but that’s to be expected with any robot vacuum.


The Roomba 960 is a worthy investment that keeps your flooring immaculately clean on a daily basis whilst giving you full visibility of performance stats and control of the unit from anywhere outside the confines of your home.

Where can I buy the iRobot Roomba 960 Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

Neato Robotics D7 Robot Vacuum

Neato Robotics D7 Summary

The next recommended robot is the Neato Robotics D7 vacuum which is in the same price range as the Roomba 960. This model provides much of the similarities and functionality found on the Roomba 960 and a few more features that exceed its rivals.


To begin with, The D7 provides the longest run times than any of the robots on our list, with a battery life that last for at least 2 hours and averages around 2 hours 10 minutes. This level of longevity makes the Neato D7 an ideal robot to vacuum larger homes and bigger spaces.

The unique ‘D’ shaped design improves the robot’s abilities to pick up dirt from small spaces and corners. The Neato D7 has a taller profile than its rivals and as a result, it could struggle to travel into smaller gaps beneath furniture and couches.

Similar to its siblings, this Neato robot comes with an advanced room mapping system and an optimised cleaning pattern to help the robot vacuum quicker and not miss out any areas.


The cleaning performance found on the Neato D7 is on par with the Roomba 960, therefore making it a very high performing robot. A downside of the D7 is the small dustbin which requires emptying more frequently than alternative models, therefore, it can’t take full advantage of the long battery life. It will require you to step in and empty the bin if it reaches maximum capacity partway through the cleaning cycle.

Setting up the D7 for first-time use is simple. All you need to do is download the Neato app and link the robot to your home’s Wi-Fi network. The Neato app is one of the best and most intuitive apps to make full use of the robot’s functionality.

The robot will create a virtual map of your home and illustrate it on the app and give you the ability to create virtual boundaries for areas that you don’t want the robot to go. The advantage is that you don’t need an extra accessory to set up virtual barriers as it can all be done through the app.


The Neato app gives the user plenty of useful notifications and alerts when the robot needs assistance. You can even control the robot’s direction manually and control it to spot clean messier areas all through the app.

For that extra bit of added convenience, the Neato D7 is compatible with Google Home and Alexa gadgets to control the robot with voice.

One of my favourite features found on Neato D7, that sets it apart from other robots, is its capability to wirelessly update the machine and app. The benefit of this is that when newer features are available you can simply download an update instead of buying a new robot entirely, therefore, saving you the cost of replacement.


Neato Robotics D7 Verdict

The Neato D7 proves to be a robot with a winning set of features that are worth stretching your budget. Its list of features and dependability outshine the Roomba 960, however, the aftercare is questionable mostly because Neato customer service team are not an easy bunch to help with resolving product issues.

Overall, The Robotics D7 shares many similarities to the Roomba 960 but does everything better. The robot navigates more effectively and the proprietary app lets you control the robot better using intuitive techniques. The D7 vacuums to the same standard as a Roomba but it comes with longer battery life.

This Neato robot is a strong contender which comes with plenty of favourable reviews from satisfied owners. It’s a great purchase provided that you don’t encounter faults or need to return the product. The Neato Robotics D7 is highly recommended and it justifies the higher price tag.


Where can I buy the Neato Robotics D7 Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

Ultra-Premium Robot Vacuums

Is there such a thing as a robot vacuum that outmatches all of the premium models currently available on the market? We’ve found a trailblazing autonomous cleaner with the most advanced features found on any robot vacuum.

iRobot Roomba i7+ Robot Vacuum


iRobot Roomba i7+ Summary

If you’re wondering why the charging dock (shown above) is so big there is a reason for this and it’s a feature that sets apart iRobot Roomba i7+ from the rest.

What if there was a solution to address the frequent bin emptying that is required after each cleaning cycle.

The bulky charging station shown above resolves this problem ingenuously.


The manufacturer has made a leap towards innovation with the iRobot Roomba i7+. When the robot goes back to the dock to top up the battery, it also extracts the dirt from the robot’s bin and transfers it into a removable bag hidden in the charging station.

This means that dirt disposal is no longer a messy affair and there’s virtually no need to babysit your robot vacuum. The removable bag can contain as much as 30 dustbins of collected debris and as a result, you don’t need to physically handle your gadget for weeks at a time. How awesome is that?

The iRobot mobile app has been revamped with even more functionality. There is now a button to find your robot, room differentiation, entire floor mapping, a comprehensive scheduling system, the capability to save more than one floor plan (for homes with several floors) and vacuuming specific rooms.


Just to give you an idea of how extensive the set of features on i7+ are, it would be hard to provide a full list of the functionality provided by the app, which just goes to show how amazing it is.

The navigation technology has been updated and is now the most sophisticated that you’ll find on a robot vacuum. It rarely gets trapped and can virtually travel across any floor type with ease. Cleaning performance is what you’d expect from a Roomba- impeccable.

Voice control comes as standard, giving you the compatibility to use your robot with Google Home and Amazon Echo gadgets.


The Roomba i7+ excels in its capacity to be entirely independent. This is definitely a step in the right direction and a design feat that all manufacturers should follow.

Scheduling has been taken to the next level, opening up the capability to vacuum specific rooms at a chosen time and day without requiring your intervention. Do you want your living room cleaned after the kids have left for school? This robot can do that.

My favourite feature is the freedom to let the machine get on with the cleaning without it waiting for me to empty its bin, especially when I get home from work. The Roomba i7+ demonstrates the evolution of robot vacuums and what the future of these gadgets has in store for us.


iRobot Roomba i7+ Verdict

It’s hard to criticize the iRobot Roomba i7+. In terms of design, the i7+ resembles its siblings in the Roomba range, however, this is a super Roomba!

You will need to cough a lot of money to get your hands on this device, but it’s a superb investment if your budget can permit it.

The operating noise is rather loud and the dirt emptying mechanism inside the charging tower is noticeably noisier. The battery lasts for just 1 hour, however, this is a minor niggle, as the robot will return to its dock to charge and return to where it left off, once the battery is at 100%. You’ll never have to dispose of dirt from its bin.


The clever scheduling assistant provides a level of control and flexibility, through the app, that truly works around your lifestyle. You can plan to vacuum individual rooms when the house is empty during the day.

Overall, the iRobot Roomba i7+ is the pinnacle of robot vacuums, however, the price point is a bit high for the average household. It’s comforting to know that though the technology is expensive right now, it will lower in price in the near future as it becomes more commonplace.

If you still want to buy the iRobot Roomba i7+ it’s a worthwhile investment for a wholly autonomous robot, however, if you just need a premium robot, then you can make a cost saving of more than $300 by opting for the Neato Robotics D7 or Roomba 960 further up our shortlist.


Where can I buy the iRobot Roomba i7+ Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

Robot Vacuum Conclusion

The crammed market of robot vacuums can make it a challenge for potential buyers to find the best autonomous cleaner for their individual requirements. I’ve researched and assessed the leading robots that come highly recommended and will now provide you with a brief comparison and summary of my findings:

Affordable Robot Vacuums


Top Choice: Ecovacs Deebot N79S Robot

For the budget option, we looked at the Ecovacs Deebot N79s and iLife A8. The manufacturers at iLife have never disappointed us at providing high quality at a low cost. They are a preferred choice in many households for their versatile robots and mopping options and I have to agree that their models deliver great value. But given the choice of these 2 machines, I’d go for the Ecovacs Deebot N79S. Why is that?

Deebot N79S offers even more value than the iLife A8 and it’s crammed with a selection of great features that you would normally find on high-end robot vacuums.

That’s not to say the iLife A8 is a poor performer, however, the N79S goes that bit further with functionality at this price range.


If you’re looking for an affordable high-performance robot vacuum on a tight budget, The Deebot N79S is my top pick.

Where can I buy the Ecovacs Deebot N79S Vacuum Cleaner?

Mid-range Robot Vacuums


Top Choice: Eufy 11S Robot Vacuum

For our mid-range options, we looked at the bObsweep PetHair Plus and the Eufy 11S. Both models are extremely popular and come with favourable ratings. If your budget permits you to spend a bit more then there are a host of additional features that can be enjoyed.

However, the Eufy 11S leads the race in this price range and clearly outshines the bObsweep cleaner. Don’t be mistaken though, bOb is a highly capable robot, however, he is overloaded with features that tend to be complicated to use. On the other hand, the Eufy robot is user-friendly and straight forward.

Where can I buy the Eufy Robovac 11S Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

Premium Robot Vacuums


Top Choice: Neato D7 Robot Vacuum

If your budget allowance for a robot cleaner is more than $599 you can expect to bag yourself a premium model with all the advancements and conveniences at your disposal.

Within the past few years, we’ve seen numerous inferior robot cleaners that cost an extortionate amount but delivered very little. However, the Neato D7 and Roomba 960 met the expectations of a premium machine and delivered the quality expected from this price range.

The Roomba 960 is a worthy contender, however, the Neato D7 provides a bit more functionality, therefore, making it more desirable. The unique “D-shape” ensures that corners are cleaned better and it comes with a longer battery life just over 2 hours. The D7 can also be updated to the latest software to always keep it current.


The winner for premium range autonomous cleaners is the Neato D7 but only by a small margin, therefore, you would not be disappointed with either of these two machines.

Where can I buy the Neato Robotics D7 Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

Ultra-Premium Robot Vacuum


For those of you that are willing to spend top dollar for the most advanced robot vacuum, the iRobot Roomba i7+ sits in a class of its own i.e. an ultra-premium robot.

It is a remarkable appliance and provides the most advanced features and functionality currently available. It outranks everything else on our list including the Neato D7 and Roomba 960.

The Roomba i7+ gives us a view of what the future of robot vacuum technology has in store for us. Picture a future where manual vacuuming is obsolete and unimaginable. That’s where we’re headed according to the i7+.

The only drawback about this model is that it is rather expensive and out of the price bracket of what most potential buyers would like to pay. There is good news though…


Whilst the i7+ might be an expensive option, for now, the technology it houses will soon become common thus driving the price down and making it a much more affordable purchase.

Where can I buy the iRobot Roomba i7+ Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

To Conclude

Although the choice of autonomous cleaners might seem like an endless list to go through, the advantage of this is that you get a great selection of machines to suit any budget and functionality that ranges from basic to advanced models that require virtually no intervention from you.

Which is the best robot vacuum to buy in 2021? In this article, we’ve made that choice easier for you by grouping our top appliances according to budget and sophistication.

Are you considering buying a robot vacuum cleaner from our list or do you already own one? Please leave your comments in the section below. I’d love to hear from you.


Our List of the Best Domestic Appliances

Best Rated Pool Cleaners 2021– Swimmingly Good Recommendations & Reviews

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Swimming is one of the great joys in life, especially in a clear blue pool, however, cleaning your pool is a hassle which is why I’ve summed up the best rated pool cleaners for 2021 to give you an easier life. If you’re lucky enough to own a pool there is no way of avoiding the task of keeping it clean, it’s a vital part of the pool’s maintenance, aesthetics and longevity.

Pool water attracts lots of impurities from things like hair and skin cells. In addition to this, debris from the surrounding environment will naturally take residence in the pool- leaves, insects, twigs and plants could all easily make their way into the water. This debris poses a risk to swimmers as it could be ingested and it can also clog up the pool’s pump that circulates water.

When done manually, pool cleaning is difficult and a burden on your time. Investing in a high-performance automatic pool cleaner will free up your time to have fun swimming rather than worrying about a dirty pool.


The list of pool cleaners currently available is plentiful and somewhat daunting to look through. This guide provides you with a concise review of the top recommendations to help you select the best in-ground pool cleaning robot for your requirements and budget.

The latest pool gadgets are designed to be 100% automated, therefore, do not require babysitting or intervention once tasked to clean the pool. These devices get better year after year and the technology is constantly improving to give you the ultimate convenience.

High-tech pool cleaners are costly, however, the effort, maintenance and expense that they reduce in the long term is well worth the investment and you don’t need to hire a professional cleaner.


Without further delay, lets take a took at the leading pool cleaning devices available today:

#1. Dolphin Premier Robotic – Best of the Best

At the top of our list is the Dolphin Premier Robotic pool cleaner. This robot boasts a set of advanced features that outshines the rest of the pack.

The most remarkable feature is the comprehensive multimedia filter system that comes with 4 unique filters to handle any type of pool cleaning requirements. You will find a microfilter that extracts biofilm, algae and bacteria. It’s equipped with a dual filter and a large collection bag for debris such as leaves, bugs, sticks, acorns and so on. The last filter is a disposable collection bag if you don’t have time to clean the standard bag, it can be used to catch the debris described above.


You won’t find an alternative robot pool cleaner that comes with so much choice. Normally, you will need to buy the above filters in addition to your chosen appliance, if they are available for that specific machine. The Dolphin Premier allows you to undertake any type of pool cleaning without worrying about extra accessories.

But wait there’s more. The unit comes with a PowerClean brush mechanism with brushes that rotate very fast. This means that the unit can scrub away stubborn algae and biofilm from the base of the pool which is then caught by the micro-filter.

The Dolphin cleaner is also energy saving- the motors can operate at a very low power consumption of only 180 watts. This means that power usage is minimised by 87% over a standard pool cleaner and drives down the cost of running your new machine to a mere 5 cents per hour. Although it uses very little power, the Dolphin Premier is a high-performance cleaner that clears the pool walls, floors and waterline tiles with ease.

The machine is equipped with the proprietary SmartNave system to help it optimize energy usage. It cleans all sections of your in-ground pool whilst avoiding unnecessary energy wastage such as roaming to areas it has already cleaned. The unit also comes with a clever tangle-free swivel cord to stop it from getting stuck in its own cord.

The superb cleaning results delivered by the Dolphin and the different filters that it comes with means that you only have to use it just 2-3 times per week rather than daily. You can even set a schedule for the machine to clean automatically on your chosen days.

The Dolphin Premier is not cheap but as you can see from the set of features it comes with, this cleaner is certainly worth the investment. It’s supplied with every type of filter that you could possibly require. The energy efficiency is impressive and won’t put a dent in your household bills, plus you don’t have to run the machine as often. It comes with an unlimited 3-year warranty to give you peace of mind.


It might be a pricey investment from the onset but in the long run, this robot will save you time, effort, potential labour costs for professional cleaning and the energy costs of running a pool cleaner. It’s one of the leading robotic pool cleaners currently available and comes highly recommended.


  • It’s consistently good in performance and quality.
  • A fully automated robot that doesn’t get stuck.
  • The Dolphin Premier is simple to set up and get going.
  • The low energy consumption is a standout feature and will have very little impact on energy bills.
  • The unit is incredibly lightweight.
  • You get the peace of mind of an unlimited 3-year warranty.
  • It comes with 4 filtration media to deal with any type of pool cleaning.
  • The robot’s efficiency is made better by the SmartNave system and anti-tangling cable.
  • The remote allows you to conveniently program a cleaning schedule for the machine.


  • Expensive purchase (but saves you a lot of money in the long term).

Where can I buy the Dolphin Premier Robotic Pool Cleaner?

#2. Polaris F9550 Sport Pool Cleaner

Next up is the Polaris F9550 Sport automatic pool cleaner, it’s a slick-looking robot that resembles a small car. The unit is portable and it does a fantastic job of keeping your pool in the best condition. It comes with a remote to conveniently program the little guy.


The Polaris cleaner is a compact machine that is incredibly easy to use. One thing to note is that it weighs more than the Dolphin Premier, 43.6 pounds to be exact. To address the weight issue, the unit is fitted with a proprietary Easy Lift feature that allows you to press a button using the remote and the machine will float to the surface and come out of the water. This allows you to lift the unit easily. You’ll also find a unique transportation caddy and a user-friendly design that makes handling the Polaris robot a doddle.

The remote control provides the hands-free freedom to control the robot’s direction or to pick an area that you want it to come out of the water. There’s a comprehensive timer that you can program a 7-day schedule and bespoke cleaning cycles to specifically target the pool floor or walls if required.

In addition to this, the filtration canister is designed to be easier to clean and empty compared to a bag. All you need to do is tip out the debris and quickly wash it out with a hosepipe, all of which takes less than a few minutes and your robot is ready to continue.


The Polaris is supplied with a regular filter canister though there is the option to buy additional filters such as an ultra-fine canister or leaf canister for more specific jobs.

Similar to our leading recommendation, the Polaris robot is a low energy consumption machine, thus, it won’t add much to your energy bills. It takes advantage of a 110v transformer for lower energy usage. The proprietary ActivMotion technology guides the robot efficiently around the pool. The cable is tangle-free too.


  • A more cost-effective solution to our top pick.
  • The little bot is highly programmable thus giving you a better level of customisation for its cleaning cycles.
  • It comes with a caddy to transport it easily and combines this with the Easy Lift system to minimise the heavyweight issues.
  • The clever guidance sensors and lengthy cable make it suitable for bigger pools.
  • It’s capable of cleaning any type of surface.
  • The canister is much easier to clean than a collection bag.


  • The robot is heavier than it looks.
  • It only comes with just one filtration option. The additional filter types such as the Leaf canister needs to be purchased separately.

Where can I buy the Polaris F9550 Sport Pool Cleaner?

#3. Dolphin Nautilus Plus Pool Cleaner

Yes, Dolphin features again on our list of recommended pool cleaners. This just goes to show how good the brand is. The 99996403-PC Dolphin Nautilus Plus is an affordable premium pool cleaner that offers plenty for the money.


It’s considerably lighter than the Polaris F9550 and weighs just 22 pounds. In terms of cost, this robot is a lot more budget-friendly than our top 2 picks, however, it’s incredibly efficient at achieving a high standard of cleaning.

Installing and removing the filters is an easy process thanks to the convenient access point found at the top of the robot. You will find a dual cartridge with the capability of simultaneously collecting fine debris as well as bigger particles without the need to swap filters or change the cleaning cycle. Clever!

It also comes will an identical proprietary tangle-free cable found on the high-end Dolphin Premier further up our list. Yes, it includes the SmartNave guidance technology to ensure that the robot uses the best possible routes without aimlessly going over the same areas- this saves time and energy. It can clean all areas of the pool i.e. the waterline, pool floor and walls. This little machine will have your pool cleaned up in just 2 hours 30 minutes.


Overall, The Dolphin Nautilus offers a lot of premium features, however, it’s not supplied with a remote control though you will find a 7-day timer to schedule cleaning routines that can fit in with your lifestyle. I’d recommend this robot for pool owners that want a balance between great value and premium functions.


  • This unit is dependable and cleans quickly.
  • A very affordable robot that still includes several cartridge options and flexibility to schedule cleaning cycles.
  • It weighs less than its rivals and is easier to lift and handle.
  • At this price, you are still getting premium features such as route optimization technology regardless of pool size or shape, a tangle-free cable to ensure that the bot is truly autonomous.
  • It costs next to nothing to run the Dolphin Nautilus- cleaning your entire pool will set you back just $0.15.
  • There is nowhere this robot doesn’t go- it cleans the pool floor, waterline, stairs and wall.


  • A remote control is not included with this model.
  • It doesn’t have a caddy, however, the machine is extremely lightweight.

Where can I buy the Nautilus Plus Pool Cleaner?

Suction Side Pool Cleaners

If you’d rather set your sights on a more conventional suction side pool cleaner, you will find tonnes of options but we’ve summarised a list of our top 3 that stand out from the rest of the pack.

#1. Zodiac BARACUDA G3 W03000

At the forefront of Suction Side pool cleaners is the Baracuda G3 W03000 and there are lots of good reasons why you should consider it.


You won’t find a better suction side pool cleaner if you tried. The Zodiac cleaner is extremely adaptable and is capable of collecting tiny and bigger debris particles as well as climbing from the pool floor to wall.

What makes it better than its rivals is that it can perform at a high level even with pool pumps that run at a lower speed. The proprietary FlowKeeper valve controls the flow of water to provide optimal results whilst using pumps with less horsepower, this is a design feat that rival suction cleaners are yet to achieve.

The machine has less moving parts and as a result, it’s less prone to faults or breakage, and it operates at a lower noise level. It features a 36-Fin disc which means it can stick better to the pool, making sure that it avoids getting trapped on the grates or drain covers which is a frequent occurrence with suction cleaners that have a disc design.


The Zodiac Barracuda can skim the pool’s surface with just the press of a button, therefore, it can collect various types of debris such as bugs, leaves and stray sticks. The versatility of the Zodiac cleaner earns it the top spot of best suction side pool cleaner available to buy today.

Although this unit can collect larger pieces of debris, you will need to remember that everything it picks up goes directly into your pool’s filter basket which will need to be cleared out regularly to avoid clogging. A drawback of suction units is that they clog easily thus pushing your pool’s system to its limits which is why you need to keep on top of clearing out debris.


  • There are lots of convenient features to be enjoyed on the Zodiac Barracuda cleaner at a reasonable price.
  • Less moving parts equate to fewer maintenance worries.
  • This unit can clean all sections of your pool.
  • It’s compatible with any type of in-ground pool surface.


  • Does not come with route guidance which could result in the machine cleaning the same areas again or missing a spot.
  • It weighs more than comparable units.

Where can I buy the Zodiac BARACUDA G3 W03000 Pool Cleaner?

#2. Hayward Poolvergnuegen 8965840000-013

The Hayward Poolvergnuegen side pool cleaner is another top pick that comes highly recommended. It’s packed with a full set of features which make it a high performance cleaner worth considering.


Instead of a disc mechanism, the Hayward cleaner is equipped with a 4-wheel drive system with a robust set of tires that can swivel to a radius of 90 to 540 degrees. There is a clever steering system that covers the shallow section right down to the deep end. It navigates corners like a champ and can traverse any type of pool surface.

In general, you will not find navigation technology or steering on suction side pool cleaners which is why it’s a huge advantage that this comes included with the Hayward Poolvergnuegen and as a result, cleaning is more effective and time-efficient.

Additionally, the Hayward pool cleaner comes with a distinct set of self-adjusting turbines that allow it to make the best use of its cleaning power. The result is that it can utilize lower powered pumps- it can work with a pump size of just 0.5 horsepower and when you combine this with the 40 ft hose it provides the efficiency to clean big pools measuring up to 20’ x 40’ and a depth of up to 6′.


And if that wasn’t enough, the machine is armed with 3 swappable throats to improve it’s versatility and capability to collect various sized particles from leaves to dead bugs.


  • Improved coverage from a side suction cleaner thanks to the turning sequences and navigation technology.
  • Ability to collect various sized particles using the interchangeable throats.
  • The sturdy tires improve the machine’s grip and reduce the likelihood of it getting stuck.
  • Capable of picking up larger debris.
  • It can clean all sections of your pool with ease.


  • This model costs more than our leading recommended side suction cleaner.
  • The cleaning time increase significantly with bigger sized pools.

Where can I buy the Hayward Poolvergnuegen 8965840000-013 Pool Cleaner?

#3. Hayward PHS21CST Aquanaut 200 Pool Cleaner

Our final recommended side suction pool cleaner is the Hayward PHS21CST Aquanaut 200 which is a compact solution that offers heaps of cleaning power to keep your pool looking crystal clear.


The proprietary V-Flex system harnesses the power to ensure that it works at its best at virtually any flow. The machine can pick up bigger pieces of debris without getting blocked.

It has patented V-Flex technology, which means it is guaranteed to run at optimum power at nearly any flow and can handle even larger debris without getting congested.

The Hayward cleaner comes with a steering program that directs the unit to all four corners of the pool delivering a thorough coverage of all areas regardless of the depth. The on-board roller skirt allows the machine to handle obstacles and maintain a consistent level of suction.


Overall the Hayward PHS21CST Aquanaut 200 is a well considered portable cleaner that is ideal for pools measuring up to 16’ x 32’. It’s lightweight too, weighing just 16 lb.

A slight drawback of this machine is that its limited by the types of surfaces it works on. It’s advised to use it on granite, concrete, fiberglass, vinyl, pebble or tile pools.


  • This is one of the smallest high-performance side suction pool cleaners.
  • Provides extensive coverage of the wall and pool flooring.
  • The branded V-Flex system and exchangeable throats allow this machine to pick up bigger particles without blockages.
  • Can cover pool floor and walls.
  • V-Flex technology and interchangeable throats make it capable of sucking up larger debris without clogging.


  • It’s limited to specific surfaces although most types are covered.
  • Costlier than alternative models.

Where can I buy the Hayward PHS21CST Aquanaut 200 Pool Cleaner?

Pressure Side Pool Cleaners

To conclude this guide, lets delve into our recommended pressure side pool cleaners. These pool cleaners are a perfect choice if your pool already has the booster pumps required to run them. The advantage here is that a pressure side pool cleaner significantly reduces the burden on your pool’s circulation system and pump.

#1. Polaris Vac-Sweep 280 – The Best Choice

The best pressure side cleaner is the Polaris Vac-Sweep 280. It comes with a well planned pressure cleaner that improves efficiency and cuts down cleaning times.


The machine is the ideal choice for any pool configuration with dual jets to ensure that the task is carried in a fraction of the time that it would take a standard cleaner to do. The collection bag is designed to catch debris of all sizes and stops it from reaching the pool’s filter or pump basket, therefore, ensuring that the system does not get overworked.

One thing to keep in mind is that the machine needs a Polaris booster pump, which isn’t supplied, your pool also needs to be configured to install a booster pump and a pressure side cleaner.

For added convenience, the machine is lightweight and weighs just 18 pounds and it comes with a long 31′ hose. It’s easy to install and not too heavy to lift it from one section to another. This is the perfect solution for anyone looking to buy an affordable pressure side cleaner for a pool measuring up to 30′ in size.



  • The collection bag is designed to collect small and large debris plus it filters tiny contaminants from the water.
  • It’s compatible with any type of pool surface.
  • The double jets speed up the rate of cleaning and improve its attention to detail.


  • The collection bag has just one chamber and as a result, it needs to be cleaned and emptied often.

Where can I buy the Polaris Vac-Sweep 280 Pool Cleaner?

#2. Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900

Next up is the Polaris Vac-Sweet 3900 pressure cleaner which is a robust machine that earns it the title of quickest and strongest pressure pool cleaner from the Polaris brand.


This appliance is equipped with a system named PosiDrive which improves torque by an extra 50%. Pool filtration is made better thanks to the triple jets that give an extra 40 GPM of filtration. The result is a speedier and thorough cleaning performance. The filtration is so powerful that algae and contaminants don’t get the opportunity to accumulate in the water.

The Polaris Vac-Sweet 3900 houses a 5-liter double chamber collection bag, therefore, it can collect and contain more debris with each cleaning cycle. It’s also designed with a reversing system that automatically gets it out of trouble if it got trapped by an obstacle.

Overall, the Polaris Vac-Sweet 3900 is a hardy pressure side pool cleaner with a high capacity, it’s perfect for big pools that need extra assistance with circulation to stop algae and bacteria forming. If your pool is positioned near trees or bushes and it accumulates lots of leaves, twigs and debris then this is the ideal cleaner to keep it clear blue.



  • The triple jets and PosiDrive system provide an extra boost and a truly powerful pressure cleaner.
  • This is one of the best solutions for owners of huge pools or pools that attract plenty of large debris such as leaves.
  • The double chamber bag collects a higher amount of debris in less time.


  • It’s a pricey option compared to alternative pressure side cleaners.
  • The machine can’t clean pool steps.

Where can I buy the Polaris Vac-Sweep 3900 Sport Pressure Side Pool Cleaner?

#3. Pentair LL505G Pool Cleaner

Last but not least is the Pentair LL505G pressure side cleaner a.k.a the Kreepy Krauly Legend. This is a highly favoured appliance for small pools that are problematic to keep clean. The Kreepy Krauly Legend excels at picking up bigger dregs of dirt.


This smart unit comes with 4 wheels instead of the usual 3 wheels found on a conventional machine, making it less susceptible to losing its balance. The unit is designed with a front-wheel drive for robust traction, giving it the advantage of cleaning inclines. The powerful performance is aided by a vortex venturi jet system.

The machine is compact but is cleverly designed with a big throat to handle bigger debris without the worry of it clogging up and is fitted with a distinct valve to stop debris from going back into the water after a cleaning cycle is complete.

Similar to other high-performance pressure side cleaners, the Pentair LL505G is equipped with a backup mechanism that automatically turns on to assist the machine if it gets caught between an obstacle. Smart thinking!


Overall, the Pentair LL505G is a great addition for small-sized pools and it houses a decent spec of features which ensure that your pool is kept clean and free from debris.


  • This machine excels at picking up bigger pieces of debris without getting blocked.
  • It’s designed with 4 wheels rather than 3 that stop it from toppling onto its side.
  • The unit is supplied with a comprehensive 1-year warranty.


  • The hose could be a bit longer.
  • The performance isn’t as good at cleaning steps.
  • Usage is limited to certain pool surfaces.

Where can I buy the Pentair LL505G Kreepy Krauly Legend Pressure-Side Inground Pool Cleaner?


That concludes our list of the best rated pool cleaners for 2021. If you’re looking for a simple time-saving cost-efficient solution to keep your pool crystal clear then you won’t find a better set of high-performance cleaners for domestic pools.

There is a selection of automated robotic pool cleaners with all the bells and whistles or you can opt for a pressure side pool cleaner or suction side option. Whichever configuration you decide to go for, we’ve got you covered. There is a choice for every budget and pools of different sizes.

Are you considering buying a pressure side, suction side or robotic automatic pool cleaner from our list or do you already own one? Please leave your comments in the section below. I’d love to hear from you.


Our List of the Best Domestic Appliances

Best Window Vacuum Cleaners Ultimate Buyers Guide 2021

Are you fed up of dirty windows? Let’s help you tackle this arduous task with the best window vacuum cleaners buyers guide for 2021. Stay on top of windows cleaning with a convenient gadget that speeds up chores and gives you an easier life.

Rather than spending a considerable amount of time manually cleaning with a squeegee and trying to get rid of streaks, its time that you considered getting a window vacuum to solve your dirty glass troubles.

These clever portable gizmos produce elegant streak-free cleaning results that you would be proud of- your glass door will be so clear that someone might try walking through it! A window vac quickens the rate at which you can clean glass whilst delivering perfect results each and every time. The added bonus of buying a window vacuum is that it doesn’t cost as much as you might think.


They are a must-have for any household especially those with glass doors, conservatories and skylight windows. Finding the perfect window vacuum can be a daunting task but, we’ve done the hard work for you and will help you choose the right model for your needs.

Recommended Reading: 6 of The Best Window Vacs For Your Your Home

To assist you with sourcing a suitable window vac for your home, I’ve summarised this guide with all the essential details to help you make an informed decision. You will find everything you need here- we’ve made it easier to choose the right unit to clear dirt that gathers on your window panes.

Window cleaning is a task that most people put off or maybe pay someone else to do. You’ve decided to buy a window vacuum to simplify what can often be a mammoth task or to save the expense of hiring a professional window cleaner.

Window vacuums provide a thorough method of clearing problematic dirt such as dust, smudges, smears and fingerprints. They can also get rid of condensation that often builds up on window panes.

Streak-free windows add a touch of elegance to a clean home. It wouldn’t look complete if you cleaned everywhere else around the house then as you sat down, you looked out the window and noticed that the glass was in dire need of cleaning.


Most people underestimate the effect that clean windows can have on the overall look of a room and house. Obviously, it’s the primary source that sunshine filters into the room, however, if your windows are dirty it will result in a gloomy and dull-looking room. Flooding a room with light will keep you cheery and content.

Window maintenance doesn’t need to be expensive if you source a reliable window vac. This small gadget will transform your home and give you spotless windows in a matter of minutes. They are lightweight, convenient and house an ample amount of power for effective cleaning.

Gone are the days of waiting for the window cleaner to come round every fortnight. You can now reclaim this chore and maintain clear-view windows on a frequent basis.

A window cleaner eliminates the need of going over the same spots with a newspaper to get rid of streaks. With one swoop it will suck away dirty water, polish the glass and provide pristine results. Not all window vacuums are created equal but we’re here to help you find the perfect gadget for your home.


Before rushing to buy a window vacuum there are several factors you should be aware of to ensure that you know what you’re getting. You will need to consider features such a shape, weight, running time and the cost of course. I’ll take you through everything you need to know before deciding which window vac to buy.

Recommended Reading: 6 of The Best Window Vacs For Your Home

Using a Window Vacuum

A window vacuum is one of the simplest domestic cleaning devices you can use, honestly! I’ll give you a quick summary to demonstrate how easy it is to use, however, please be aware that they could be some slight differences with usage depending on which brand or model you decide to buy- be sure to read the user guide that comes with your new window vacuum.

(1). Once charged, remove the window vac from the charging unit or connect it to the mains (if it’s a corded model). Apply the window detergent across the glass.

(2). Use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe the down the window solution. Microfiber cloths are very effective.

(3.) Turn on your window vacuum and use it to squeegee and suck up the dirty water and soap- always work steadily from the top down. In a few moments, your handy appliance will produce gleaming windows.

That’s all there is to it, you can rest assured that using your new window vacuum doesn’t need to be a complex affair. Simply assemble it as per the manufacturer’s instructions and you’re all set to clean in next to no time.

Recommended Reading: 6 of The Best Window Vacs For 2020

Window Vacuum Buyers Guide

Window vacs have proved to be popular household appliances over the past few years and there is a good reason for this. These resourceful devices ease the burden of laborious glass cleaning. Let’s take a look at the factors to consider before you purchase a window vacuum-


Your budget will significantly impact the brand and type of model that you decide to buy. If you are on a tight budget then it’s likely that you will need to make some compromises. First, think about the important features that you need and those that you can live without.

There are a variety of decent, budget-friendly vacuums on the market, however, if you are after a premium appliance that offers longer battery running times, for example, you will need to pay slightly more. Window vacuums with a higher price tag will be equipped with additional functions and accessories that you might not find on cheaper models.


Running Time

If you intend to frequently clean multiple windows in one go then you want a device with a decent battery life to see you through longer tasks without the battery dying partway through window cleaning. Ideally, you want a device with a minimum battery running time of 25 minutes.

Most window vacuums are cordless and come with rechargeable batteries. Stick to our recommended products to ensure that your chosen product is equipped with high-quality Lithium-Ion rechargeable batteries.

You don’t want to be stuck with a cheap appliance that contains an inferior battery with short running times and shelf life. As you can see, the quality of the battery is a significant feature. It would be frustrating to get a battery that runs for just 15 minutes but takes 2-3 hours to charge.


Overall, you want the freedom to move between rooms and clean windows and mirrors with the freedom of a cordless machine, therefore, longer battery times are always the preferred choice. Before you buy a window vacuum you should consider the number of windows that you plan on cleaning and the size of your home.

Recommended Reading: 6 of The Best Window Vacs For Your Home

Head Shape

The shape of the cleaner head is pivotal to the effectiveness of your new window vac. These units are supplied with heads that come in different shapes and sizes. Some models come with swappable heads which are a huge advantage.

If your household has different sized windows then you want to choose a unit that comes with multiple heads to help you tackle windows of any shape and measurement. You want a window vac with a cleaner head that can reach into small nooks and tight corners with relative ease.



It’s always nice when a manufacturer throws in some bonus extras to accompany your new appliance but you should be prudent as this is often used as a way to entice you into choosing one brand over the other. You don’t want to end up with an inferior product for the sake of a few extra spray bottles and sponges.

Take your time to consider what is included with a potential purchase and decide if it’s beneficial. Overall, the most important thing is the performance of the primary unit.


Cleaning windows requires plenty of movement, therefore, your chosen unit should provide you with the freedom to do this freely. The best rated window vacuums can be used at any angle and moved into any direction. Make sure you choose a model that provides a maximum amount of movement.

Consider the parts of your home that you’ll be using your window vac. Are your windows located in areas with limited space or corners that are difficult to reach? If this is the case, you want to invest in a model that steers into cramped spaces easily.


Choose a Reputable Brand

Searching for a window vac often involves looking through different manufacturers specifications and deciding which brand is best. There are plenty of brands trying to persuade you to choose their products but the best advice here is to stick with established manufacturers that have been around for many years.

Investing in a longstanding brand gives you the assurance of a long lasting high-quality product that will give you the reliability that can’t be found on cheap units. Household brands will back up their appliances with a robust guarantee and usually have a support team to help with any issues.

Recommended Reading: 6 of The Best Window Vacs For Your Home

Factors to Consider Prior To Purchasing a Window Vac

Once you’ve looked through the specifications of potential appliances, you’ll be almost ready to make an informed decision. The hardest part is deciding the best-suited model from your shortlist. I’ve put together a few questions that you can think about to help you choose what’s best for you.-


What are your exact needs? Although a window vac is used for cleaning windows, each person will have individual requirements. What might be important for one person might not be necessary for someone else. Make sure you are aware of your criteria before buying. You should consider things like the amount of glass and windows in your home, have you got sliding glass doors or windows? What is the weather like in your area? How regularly do you want to clean your windows? These are some of the things to take into account.

Is the window vac cord-free? Most window vacs are cordless but it’s still possible to find corded models and both variants have their good points and bad. Cord-free cleaners allow the convenience to move through the house without a power cable imposing restrictions on how far you can go. The advantage of a corded model is that it provides unlimited power, therefore you never have to worry about stopping halfway through cleaning to recharge a flat battery.

Window Vacuum Weight- When it comes to window cleaning, a lightweight appliance is always better. You want to find the lightest model possible to ensure that there is no strain to the hand, wrists and arms whilst cleaning. Heavier machines are harder to use to clean big, tall windows. If you intend on cleaning large areas you want a window vac that weighs
1.1 kgs (2.4 Pounds) or less. Our recommended window cleaners meet these requirements.


How effective is it at cleaning? A decent window vac should be able to provide clear-view windows with relative ease. The cleaner head, squeegee and other accessories should all be designed to achieve excellent results whilst keeping streaks at bay. At the very least, your new window cleaner should be able to provide the above.

We’ve gone through the basic criteria of a window vacuum and some of the questions you should be asking yourself before you buy one, however, you might have some additional requirements that you would like to know about to make the best choice-

Window Vacuum Performance

The best window vacuum should ideally perform the tasks below without causing you to break a sweat:

Cleans small spaces and edges: As mentioned briefly earlier, the window vac should allow you to move the cleaner head in whatever direction you desire and be able to access areas that are difficult to reach. To do this, the machine should be equipped with a dynamic blade that works at any angle. Ideally, you want a model that comes with different sized exchangeable heads and a flexible neck to help clean awkward edges, hinges, lattice shutters and corners.


Is the Window Vac Compact? We’ve already touched on the importance of a lightweight machine, however, we also need to consider its size too. Compact units can be stored virtually anywhere that is convenient and within easy reach, such as under the kitchen sink or a close-by cupboard. The key to a great window vacuum is a portable and lightweight model that provides a comfortable user experience and helps to avoid back injury or strain.

Can it keep streaks away from glass? Streak-free cleaning is a prerequisite of any window vacuum, even the most basic model should be able to get rid of streaks easily. If your window vac is leaving streak marks after a cleaning session then it’s not performing properly. Make sure that the blades are cleaned after each session and the machine is equipped with all the correct accessories to produce spotless results.

Adaptable: On top of providing great cleaning performance, your window vacuum should also be able to clean other areas of the house. Most models can clean any type of smooth surface including mirrors, glass tables, marble surfaces and so on. If you split some water on the floor or dropped some crumbs, your new window vac should be able to pick this up. You can also clean your shower screen and restore it to an immaculate condition. In addition to this, the window vac can remove condensation from surfaces.


Recommended Reading: 6 of The Best Window Vacs For Your Home

What sets apart a Window Vacuum from the competition?

A window vacuum that enables you to clean glass in next to no time is great, however, there are some ergonomic features that improve the cleaning experience and convenience depending on which brand you choose. Take note of the features below, found on high-performance units, that add to the appeal of a window vac:

Two-Stage Cleaning

High-end window vacs utilize a 2-stage cleaning system. The 1st stage involves the machine applying window cleaning fluid and water to the glass with an applicator. The integrated microfibre cloth then removes grime that would usually leave streaks if you tried to vacuum it immediately. When the grime is removed, the window vac goes into the 2nd stage, slowly move the machine across the glass to remove leftover dirt. The same process also draws water away from the glass and produces a gleaming surface.

Can the Water Tank be Cleaned Easily?

Some brands will come with a removable water tank whereas other models come with integrated self-cleaning tanks that get rid of dirt by simply pressing a button. Dirty water collects in the tank as you work through your windows and when it is at full capacity you just click a button, detach the tank and drain it out. Some tanks are even dishwasher- friendly to help maintain your gadget and keep it working at its best.


A good window vac should be accompanied with a variety of accessories to improve its versatility and use. As previously mentioned, wherever possible you should buy a model with different wiper blade sizes to ensure that it can clean both large and small spaces as well as tight corners. You always want the choice of a convenient option to simplify the job.


Some models are equipped with a wrist strap for safer use and better comfort. At first, I didn’t think that a wrist strap would make a difference but I was wrong, it gave me better control and grip over the machine.

LED Lights Are a Clever Feature

Premium window vacuums are fitted with onboard LED lights that will show you the remaining battery power. This will help you gauge how often the machine needs charging and if it has enough power to complete longer tasks. You don’t want to end up with a cordless device that cleans blindly and doesn’t indicate how much battery life is left. LED lights ensure that you don’t need to worry about the battery dying during cleaning. Double check the battery level before applying soap and water to the window and charge the unit if necessary.

Recommended Reading: 6 of The Best Window Vacs For Your Home

Technology To Clean Edges Easier

Some brands have equipped their units with clever technology to assist with manoeuvring the blade edges to offer you with better handling of the machine and guiding it in the desired direction with precision. The result is easier access to corners that are normally difficult to reach to give your window pane a well-rounded clean from top to bottom.


To Conclude

If you made it this far then I’m certain that you are serious about buying a window vacuum cleaner and are now equipped with the information to make an informed decision. You’ve reached the end of the best window vacuum cleaners buyers guide for 2021 and hopefully the details provided here will help you choose the best appliance for your home.

We’ve established the benefits of clean windows (mood lifting and gives your home curb appeal) and the advantages of using a window vacuum to help deliver pristine results each and every time. If window cleaning is going to be a frequent job then it’s important to invest in the best possible unit as it will end up saving you a lot of time in the long run.

Check out our recommended window vacs using the links provided throughout this guide to find a suitable model. Our selection of gadgets provide high performance at budget-friendly prices.

Whether you’re after a basic window vacuum or one with additional features you will find everything that you need right here. Are you considering buying a window vacuum or do you already own one? If so, please leave a comment in the section below. I’d love to hear from you.

Recommended Reading: 6 of The Best Window Vacuums For Your Home


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Garden Leaf Blower & Vacuum Ultimate Buyers Guide 2021

Maintaining your garden can often be a drawn out task especially if you’re not equipped with the right tools. One of the biggest and most time-consuming gardening chores is clearing leaves from paths and lawns. It’s a task that has to be done or else you will end up with slippery or waterlogged areas.

Thankfully a leaf vacuum blower can take care of this mammoth task in very little time and with the right model you can even turn those leaves into nutrient-rich mulch to fertilize your plants. Win-win. Why should you rely on a manual tool such as a rake when you can make your life much easier with a garden vacuum? These handy tools perform impeccably to restore your garden or yard back to its former glory.         

Most modern leaf vacuums allow you to switch between the vacuum and the blower function. This way you have the choice of blowing the leaves to a designated location or vacuum and collect them as you go along. Don’t forget that some of the available models are equipped with a mulching feature that cuts the leaves in smaller pieces, therefore, reducing their volume considerably.  


The Benefits of a Leaf Blower/Vacuum

If you’re fed up of sweeping up leaves with your rake and are trying to figure out how to dispose of huge leaf piles, it’s time you considered investing in a leaf vacuum blower. Our buyers guide will highlight the essential functions to look out for as you search for the ideal garden appliance. Do you need a leaf blower, a leaf vacuum or a combination of the two? 

Think of a standalone leaf blower as a motorised rake that assists you to shift leaves into a neat pile in an area of your choosing. This tool can help clear up driveways and pathways much easier than using rake. Leaf blowers are perfect for small to medium sized gardens; however, you still need to figure out what to do with the gathered leaves which is where a leaf blower vacuum comes in.

A leaf blower vacuum does all the same things as a standalone leaf blower with the additional benefit of actually collecting the leaves in a bag for disposal. The ultimate leaf-elimination tool is a combination leaf blower vacuum mulcher which cuts up the leaves as it picks them up and reduces them into a fraction of their original size. The best units can reduce the equivalent of 18 bags of leaves into just 1 bag.


The best advice here is to opt for leaf blower vacuum at the very minimum and if your budget permits it, you should go for a leaf blower vacuum with mulching abilities. You’ll be amazed at the time and effort that it saves you and in addition to this, you can actually end up saving money by creating your own compost instead of buying it from the garden center.  

Helpful advice: For optimum performance I’d always recommend using your leaf blower vacuum in dry weather when the leaves have dried up. This way you will avoid clogging your beloved machine and reduce the chances of rust forming inside of it.

Recommended Reading: Best Leaf Blower Vacuum Mulchers Available Right Now

What Type of Leaf Blower Vacuum Should you buy?

Corded Type

Its worth considering the power source of your new leaf blower vacuum because each one performs differently. First up is the electric variant which is an ideal option for frequent garden upkeep- simply plug it in and off you go. These units usually weigh less than the alternative types, however they are better for smaller areas depending on the length of the cable. 

When working outdoors it’s essential to use a safe power source that is fitted with an RCD i.e. a residual current device, which is a life-saving device designed to stop you from getting electrocuted. Always check how long the cord is prior to purchase as the length varies between models. Naturally, bigger yards need longer cords. Alternatively, you could plug the machine into an outdoor extension cable to widen its reach.


Petrol Types

Petrol leaf blower vacuums are fitted with a 2-stroke engine that utilizes an oil and petrol mixture and are a practical solution for huge gardens with a lot of plants. These models are the strongest option, therefore, make large jobs easier to complete in very little time.

If you decide to buy a petrol-powered leaf blower vacuum, you should note that they require more maintenance than alternative models and you will also need to factor in the fuel expense. You also have to empty the fuel tank when storing the machine for extended periods. Ensure that you’ve always got a supply of fuel readily available to use the machine. Make sure you get yourself a well-made fuel can and funnel to simplify fueling up and avoiding spillages.  

Cordless Type

If an electric cable seems restrictive then a battery powered leaf blower vacuum is a great solution. These models weigh a bit more than the corded types, however, they are still much lighter in weight than petrol units. Cord-free garden vacuum blowers do away with the limitations of cables and can be used in bigger gardens or areas that lack a power source.


Wherever possible, search for units with high quality Lithium-Ion batteries for better performance. These battery types also hold their charge whilst not in use and provide the benefit of longer running times. 

Recommended Reading: Best Leaf Blower Vacuum Mulchers

Important Features to Consider When Buying a Leaf Blower/Vac

Whether you are buying a leaf vacuum for the first time or upgrading your old one, these important features will give you a clearer picture of the type of machine that will meet your gardening requirements.

Should You Buy a Battery, Electric or Corded Unit?

As mentioned earlier, gas leaf vacuum blowers are usually fitted with 2-stroke engines, however, you can also get a 4-stroke engine and I’ll explain the difference between the two. A 2-stroke engine uses a specific blend of oil and fuel mixed together. You should always refer to the machine’s instructions to ensure that the correct mixture is poured into the tank.   

4-stroke engines are kinder to the environment than the 2-stroke variants. The advantage of a 4-stroke engine is that it doesn’t require a blend of oil and fuel, therefore, it expels less exhaust fumes. The drawback of a 4-stroke unit is than it weighs a bit more than a 2-stroke and it requires oil changes frequently.   


A gas leaf vacuum blower packs more of a punch than other models making it a favoured choice for bigger spaces and professionals. Corded models suffer from range limitations and are only as good as the length of cable unless you intend to plug them into an outdoor extension lead. 

Corded leaf vacuums are greener to the environment than petrol-powered units and emit less noise which means you won’t annoy the neighbours come autumn. They are easier to handle owing to their lighter weight.

Battery-powered leaf vacuum blowers are the perfect balance between movement freedom and efficiency. You don’t need to worry about cable restrictions or the cost of fuel to run the appliance. If your unit comes with an extra battery, then you are never short of power.   

Recommended Reading: Best Leaf Blower Vacuum Mulchers Available Today

Should you buy Handheld or Backpack Leaf Blower Vacuum?

A backpack leaf blower vacuum eases the strain that can result from prolonged usage because the weight of the machine is distributed across your back and shoulders. Padded straps increase the comfort and protection of your shoulders.   


Handheld leaf blower vacuums are the most popular choice for domestic use because of their portability. Backpack units are normally used by professional for commercial applications.

Backpack models are highly efficient and come into their own when undertaking mammoth tasks and it’s for this reason that they were initially made for landscapers. They clear up leaves in less time and are fast becoming a popular choice for domestic use as well. We’ll help you find the best machine for your needs whether you prefer a handheld or backpack unit. 

Noise Guidelines

The noise that a leaf vacuum blower emits can be very loud depending on the type you decide to buy. Some areas even limit their use due to noise levels, therefore, it’s important to know the rules for your area before purchasing your new leaf blower. Below are a few restrictions that might be in place:

  1. Time limitations– there could be seasonal restrictions on the times and days that you can use your leaf blower.
  2. Sound limitations– the loudest decibel level permitted at specific times.
  3. Model Type– Gas leaf blower vacuums are the loudest and are banned in certain areas. Always check the regulations in your area.
  4. Distance limitations- Local rules may stipulate the maximum distance that you can operate your leaf blower vacuum from your property.
  5. How many can you use? There might also be restriction on the number of leaf blowers that can be used simultaneously. This won’t usually be a problem for domestic owners, but could be an issue for landscapers and professionals that might work in teams on bigger jobs.
Toro-51621-UltraPlus-Leaf-Blower-Vacuum-Variable-Speed-up-to 250-mph

Typically, Corded and battery powered leaf blower vacuums emit considerably less noise than gas-powered units. Electric motors are quieter than combustion engines when producing the equivalent power output.  

Safety Measures

Twigs, stones and other types of debris could shorten the life of your leaf vacuum, therefore, you should use the blower function to move leaves to a suitable area, free from other types of debris, before vacuuming the leaves.

I’d recommend wearing overhead ear muffs to protect your ears from loud noises, specifically when using a gas-powered leaf vacuum blower. Don’t forget eye protection to shield your eyes from stray objects.

Some models are equipped with features to minimise vibrations, therefore, reducing the effect on your hands, wrists and arms. A lower vibration provides better comfort which is essential for bigger spaces that will see you using the machine for longer periods. 


Safe practice is important when operating garden appliances, this will reduce chances of injury or damage to the machine. Make sure that you wear robust footwear and protective garden gloves to guard you against debris and vegetation that should scratch or cut you.

For gas-powered leaf vacuum blowers, you should use a basic choke to start up the motor with ease.

Recommended Reading: Best Leaf Blower Vacuum Mulchers

Clearing Speed

The rate at which you can clear the area is important. For the best speed you should choose a leaf blower vacuum instead of a standalone unit with just one function. A unit such a blower/ vacuum with a combination of features means that you can move the leaves into a convenient pile where they can be vacuumed all in one go. This technique is the most efficient and fastest way to get rid of leaves.  


Power and Efficiency

If you intend to clear large areas or operate your garden appliance for extended times then you should think about the power inside the machine’s engine. The power ranges between 2500 – 3000 Watts (W). Powerful leaf vacuum blowers will come with more wattage and as a result, you can work faster.      

If you’re thinking about composting fallen leaves, then a leaf blower with a mulching feature is highly recommended, however, you need to think about the mulching ratio as previous mentioned. The leaves are shredded as they are vacuumed into the machine. The best units come with a minimum mulching ratio of 16:1. You want a unit that shreds leaves to the smallest possible size to help them compost faster and take up considerably less space than their original size.

When choosing a leaf blower vacuum you should also consider the size of the collection bag. A bigger bag means that you have longer intervals between leaf emptying, however, a larger collection bag will be heavier to carry as it fills up.


Some appliances come with wheels fitted at the end of the blower tube to ease the manoeuvrability of the vacuum whilst working. The dimensions of the appliance i.e. height, length and depth, are important not only for ease of use but for storage purposes as well, especially if the space in your garage or shed is limited. Most units are detachable; therefore, you can separate the blower tube from the main body.  


Have you considered turning your garden waste into compost? If you decide to compost then you will need to buy a compost bin. Once your leaves are mulched and thrown into the compost bin, they will transform into nutrient-rich fertilizer that can be used on soil beds and borders in spring. Making your compost is the greenest way to get rid of garden waste and a cost-efficient way of acquiring fertilizer.  

Leaf Blower Vacuum Warranty

The length of the warranty is different between brands and models. For example, you might get a lengthy conditional warranty that lasts up to 5 years or shorter comprehensive 2-year warranty that covers any type of repair. Be sure to check the duration of your warranty and what it entails.

Motor Speed

The most important elements that influence the efficiency of a leaf blower vacuum are volume and speed. The machine’s speed will define the rate at which it can vacuum and blow leaves and debris.


The rate of airflow is calculated in miles per hour and the majority of leaf blower vacs will produce a speed that ranges between 110 to 180 mph with higher-end models producing up to 250 miles per hour. You can also buy leaf blowers with an adjustable speed, therefore, a lower speed can be used in areas with delicate plants.    

The volume of the machine will give you an indication of how easy it will be to clear the area from debris and leaves. The rate at which air moves through the vacuum tube is calculated in cubic feet per minute or CFM. This measurement demonstrates the true power of your chosen appliance.  

Typically, the CFM in leaf blower vacuums will range between 150 to 600 cubic feet per minute. Ideally you want to buy a unit with at least 400 CFM which is suitable for most tasks in gardens of various sizes. Bear in mind that a leaf vacuum with a volume that is too big could end up picking branches that could block the machine.

Recommended Reading: Best Leaf Blower Vacuum Mulchers

Collection of Mulch

The collection bag on a leaf blower vacuum tends to get full very fast and as a result, emptying the bag is a frequent occurrence. If you opt for a machine with mulching capabilities this would mean that the inner blades will shred the leaves and vastly reduce their size. The mulcher will also improve the quality of your compost.   


Whilst the description might state a reduction of 12:1 or 18:1, it is usually less than that in reality. Damp leaves and debris can hinder achieving the optimum results that occur in dry conditions. As mentioned earlier the reduction rate is the amount of leaf bags that the machine can reduce into a single bag.   

Whether you choose to use the mulch as a fertilizer or not, the convenience of lessening the disposals is a great advantage. Depending on where you live, you might be allowed to burn the leaves but it’s always best to check the regulations around this.    

Another handy feature to look out for is a leaf blower vacuum with a refillable collection bag that is lined with disposable bags, therefore, you don’t need to wash the primary bag every time it’s used- instead you can just throw away the disposable bag and keep your main collection bag from collecting bad smells that result from leftover leaves.

How To Choose The Best Leaf Blower Vacuum

Choosing the ideal leaf blower vacuum will mostly depend on your individual requirements and the size of your garden or yard.  


Small versus Large Gardens

  • Always choose a model with adequate power for larger spaces but not too much power to render it useless in smaller yards.
  • For smaller yards always go for either a battery powered or electric model.
  • If your yard is more than 1 acre in size, then it’s advisable to buy a backpack leaf blower vacuum to cover more ground without causing strain to your arms and hands.
  • Small yards measuring ½ acre or less can be maintained with a machine that houses a 30-cc engine.
  • Small yards will require an airflow between 150-200 Miles per hour.   

Countryside versus City

  • Putting aside the drawbacks of a gas-powered leaf blower vacuum, it still remains a firm choice for big countryside yards.
  • Cord-free battery models are the best choice for big gardens in urban areas.
  • You will want a leaf blower vacuum with adjustable speeds for gardens with delicate flowers in urban areas, therefore, you can reduce the airflow to avoid damaging your beloved flowers.
  • Noisy leaf blower vacuums are a nuisance to neighbours which is why I’d always recommend a quieter electric model rather than a gas model for gardens in the city.

Tackling Exceptionally Leafy Areas

  • For yards that prone to excessive leaves, I would always recommend to buy a Leaf blower vacuum mulcher. The 3-in-1 functionality will help to minimize huge piles of leaves in less bags with the help of mulching.
  • By now you will have a good understanding of the benefits that comes with a mulcher. It saves time and space by shredding leaves into a fraction of their initial size.
  • A slower speed is recommended for big leaf piles to avoid the machine from clogging up. Ideally, you want a mulcher with adjustable settings for different scenarios and pile sizes.

Recommended Reading: Best Leaf Blower Vacuum Mulchers


We’ve reached the end of our leaf blower vacuum buyers guide for 2021. Hopefully, by now, you should be confident about the type of model that best suits your requirements. There are various elements to ponder over when choosing a suitable garden appliance to get rid of leaves in the most efficient and hassle-free way possible.

If you’re after a gadget that will enable you to meticulously clear small to medium sized spaces, then your best bet is an electric unit. If your requirements are more robust and you need a machine that can clear larger spaces, then a gas-powered appliance would be better suited for this.

Are you thinking of buying a standalone leaf blower, a combination unit or do you already own either of these? Please leave your comments in the section below. I’d love to hear from you. If there is something that we’ve not covered that you are unsure about feel free to get in touch. We’d also like to know what you consider to be the most significant feature on a leaf blower vacuum.    

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